Have steaming puttu with crab ularthiyathu at mullapndal
Puttu, will go with a whole lot of curries. Of these, puttu with kadala, puttu with payaru, puttu with egg curry, puttu with beef are the most famous. As mentioned before, puttu will go with any curry. Since it is steamed, no need to worry about cholestrol. Even if crab has high cholestrol content, the most exotic puttu combination I have ever tasted is the puttu with njandu (crab) masala. It is really tasty and at the same time really spicy, which is best when quenched with a zip of good toddy, the local coconut drink, which has almost the same alcohol content equivalent to a beer. Before consuming toddy, please ensure that it is pure, else your stomach may get upset. Most of the toddy shops serve exquisite Kerala food, and do not expect a very clean five star environment inside a toddy shop. It has it's own ambiance and culture. It is the culmination of all these which makes it a toddy shop.
Mullapandal is a toddy shop at thripunithura, which is around fifteen kilometres away from kochi city. This toddy shop has a history of around fifty years to boast. There is a big mullapandal (jasmine shed) outside it, which must be as old as the toddy shop itself, hence the name mullapandal.